Dog stories. (With help from people435)

Bye Fergie, I’ll see you at 3. “The owner said as he abruptly closed the door. As the sound of the car coming out of the drive-way, Fergie let out a huge, massive, fart. “God, I thought he was never going to leave.” And simultaneously, stood up on two legs. With that, he opened the fridge and reached for a cold one. After he threw that back, he reached for the steak and brought into the TV room, where he then crawled onto the Laz-E-boy, threw up his legs, and turned on the pet channel.
5 hours later…

“How can animals be so stupid, obeying every command that they give them?” He muttered, “Have some free will.” As he sat back for a good afternoon of licking, he began to ponder how long the owner was gone for. That’s when the crap hit the fan. He was cranking “Back in Black” from the TV in ACDC’s live concert in Washington, playing the air drums with is tongue, when the owner walked in. The dog looked at the owner with pale white fur, and the owner looked at the dog with a look of disbelieve. “Looks like someone’s been eating too much cat food again.” The owner said with a grin. The dog almost forgot his potty training.

What do people say behind your back.

Throughout the history of mankind, we have often been troubled by thousands of questions which appear to be merely unanswerable. Some of these are “Does the universe end?” “What’s the purpose in life?” or “Why do people watch Pretty Little Liars?” So far, we have not been able to solve these elusive mysteries of the universe. But some of the greatest minds have focused on far more plausible questions, such as “What’s really in a happy meal?” or “What is the color of love?” or even “How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck was Chuck Norris.” But there is one question that has been plaguing the minds of kids and adults alike. “What do people say behind your back?”

For the sake of making this easy, I’m going to tell you the truth. I don’t know what people think of you. But I do know what people think of me, so I’m going to use their perspectives as examples. What I’m going to use is what I think of me, what my peers think of me, what my teachers think of me and what my cats think of me.

What I think of me: A dashing young man who has a stunning smile, a cool black Hurley hat, an amazing military grade Timex watch, a cool back pack, a high tech spy phone that only the manliest of men would use, who has amazing courtesies, a sarcastic sense of humor, and is smart to boot.

What my peers think of me: An annoying punk who has crooked teeth, an ugly black hat made by god knows what company, an oversized Wal-Mart military themed watch, an ugly backpack that has the pattern of a static TV, a noobie slide phone that might have been high tech back in the stone age, who is rude, ignorant, and is as nerdy as big all yanchavic in his white and nerdy music video.

What my teachers think of me: A special kid who is more fit to sit in the corner and color all day than to do advanced physics. He never smiles, always wears his hat in school (even though we tell him not too), a watch that we hope is accurate because we keep asking him the time, a backpack that can apparently hold a skateboard, but can’t hold on to his homework page, a phone that’s actually a phone that he apparently can’t silence during a test, an annoying sense of humor, and seems to think he is the best student in the class, besides the fact that we ask him preschool questions.

What my cat thinks of me: A man-pig who supplies me with food, water, a scratching post (his arm), and a nice bathroom (His bed). Always tries to pet my stomach, hides the scratch marks with the huge metal thing on his arm, has a back-pack that is good for a makeshift bed when I’m not lying on his face while he sleeps. He talks in a language I do not understand, but I just assume it means “Lay on my face while I sleep,” and seems to know what kind of cat food I want.

The whole point I wrote this was to shed light on why people say these things behind your back,
And I think I have an answer. I believe people say these things behind your back because, and this is my opinion, they are too scared to say it to your face. I also believe that true friends say good things behind you back, and bad things to your face, so I’m probably a kook. Another reason they say things behind your back is because they are insecure about themselves and are looking for someone they can say bad things to that they wish they could say to themselves. One more reason is that their looking for a scapegoat to blame all their problems on. The list goes on and on and there are many reasons why they could do these things, but it really depends on their personality. They could be a really lonely person and they don’t know how to talk to people, so they take out their pent up rage on you. Or some tragic thing has happened in their life and they are sad and lost and don’t know what to do. Or maybe they are jealous of you and they want to see you brought down to their level. Or maybe their rich, snobby, and arrogant and they don’t understand love and compassion, or maybe they just suck. This is where people forget that they have to understand why a person is doing something, or you can’t help them deal with their problem and make them stop.