What this quote means to me

“Believe nothing you here, and half of what you here.”

This quote is one of many that I believe focuses on today’s culture, where everyone seems to have their own agenda and you have to take the lies like a UFC fighter takes a punch. As I progress through my years as a living person on this earth, I’m starting to see that these quotes are becoming more and more true by the minute. On that note, I have to agree with this quote.

People can obviously take this the wrong way, where they can become a freak, thinking there are conspiracies everywhere, like the shampoo company telling you to wash your hair twice, but you don’t really need too, or maybe the guys at taco bell lick the shells… that’s right, the people at the fast food restraunts may not be as smart as you think they are in sanitary care.

I view this as simply something to be cautious for. As long as there has been competition, there have always been liars. It’s just now in our society this has become more apparent. People are seeing this and thinking they can’t trust anyone. That’s not true. You can depend on people, just not everyone. Always watch out for the topic and try to determine if they are biased or not.

What do you think? I would love to hear your response. Please comment and check back for more rants.