Collaboration- Group Juggle

I hope you all know what collaboration is!

I certainly do. When you spend an hour every day for a week on it, you pick up a couple things! If you couldn’t tell by my atttitude, a class dedicated to “collaboration” and “working together with people” is not one of my favorites. I find it easier to approch a project seperately. Once in a while the class becomes quite ironic actually. We had a class dedicated to critical thinking and we spend 3/4 of the class explaining to us how to critically think.

But there are good moments in the class, like any class.

Today in the class we got to do an activity called the group juggle. The idea of it is that we have to learn to be cooporative and vocal. Basically, we all gather around and toss koosh balls (safety hazards) at each other, softly. But of course I got partnered up with the base ball pitcher, who thought it would be funny to throw 5 koosh balls at point blank range.

It was.

He missed all of them.

That was hilarious.