Collaboration (Group juggle)

If you couldn’t tell by the title, this involved group work, and juggling.

This did not end well.

Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a bad game. It’s when half the class is baseball pitchers, and your standing point blank in their face when the game becomes more nuts than aunt Matilda.

She’s pretty crazy.

So, the idea of the game is to learn how to be more cooperative and vocal, as in “NOT THE FACE!” or the famous “I’m over here!” I was a fan of the first one, saying (more like screaming) that line everytime the picture made a shot at, you guessed it, my face!


Overall, it was a fun lesson that had us stretching our legs and not filling in the blanks with our number 2 pencil. Always an A in my book.

My struggle in the game was trying to catch the koosh balls (safety hazard) with my face instead of my hands. Thank god for critical thinking, am I right?

The next time we do this I’ll bring a hub cab for a shield. Off my camaro. which I can drive to school or work. So I won’t miss a shift.

I don’t think I could have been more obvious with this, could I? I’m no exactly subtle, with my 120+ pounds of muscle, and 20 pounds of chocolate.

So let me get down to the key points in this post, which is how I collaborate inside and outside of school.

Well, I play hockey, and that is a team sport, what with the many roles you can play. Like goalies, who were probably dropped on their head as a child more often than needed to want to stand in front of the puck instead of shooting it. Inside of school, their is always the group projects in school, like the stop motion project in my computers class with my friend Taylor Pich, who someone should totally hire. Hard worker. Hard worker. Anyways, it requires us to pose for pictures and take them everytime we move one inch.

Agonizingly boring.

But the project is fun, and I have to switch classes soon, so this will be the end of my post for now.

Thank you for reading.

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