My role models

My role models are my dad, Richard Marcinko, and Morgan Freeman. here are my reasons.

My dad

My dad is one of my role models because he has always done what he has set out to do. He has been a pilot, a sniper, a police officer, and a founding member of a ERT team. He makes goals and he follows through, doing everything in his power to accomplish them.


Richard Marcinko

Richard Marcinko is one of my role models because he has always stuck to his guns in a bad situation, and is a fantastic team leader. he is one of the founding members of the navy seals. Before that he was a demolition diver, which was basically a navy seal. He was the best of the best. He actually infiltrated friendly bases to show them what was wrong with their security systems. Once he retired from the navy seals he began to write books about his missions. When he refused to market them as fiction, the government put him in jail for treason, but he didn’t back down, and was released later on.


Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman is one of my role models because he is held in such high esteem by movie goers. Just the sound of his voice in a movie instantly brings respect to the movie. I hope to one day have the speaking skills of Morgan Freeman, who could be in the most confusing movie ever, but if give two minutes of screen time, he could explain everything. He has appeared in such movies as Wanted, shawshank redemption, and the Christopher Nolan batman movies. He even played god in Bruce almighty. He is awesome.

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