Innovation artifact project

In this project we are suppose to design something using 3 different materiels we can find in class. We made a bow and arrow using tape, a pencil, and a paper clip.

What worked well

-We finished

-We used all the materials

-It worked really well

-We kept improving it so it kept getting better

-It shoots really far, and it’s not deadly

What didn’t go well

-We didn’t know what we were doing in the beginning

-I missed the class before so I didn’t have any supplies

-It broke

All in all I think it was a successful project. We collaborated together and we built something new, and I believe that means we are innovators. An example in school of when we are innovators is when we are designing our exhibitions of learning. An example of when we are innovators outside of school is when we do something creative, like draw, or write a story.

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