Favorite Place project

By Triston Waskul

My favorite place is a place I designed myself. It is located of the coast of Idaho, and it has a secret network of tunnels, a big forest, a lake with fresh water, a Hockey puck named Richard Parker, a big bonfire, a house on stilts, and a zipline. Before I started I had many different ideas, so I wrote them all down until I found the one I liked the most. I chose this one because it seemed like the one I could put the most creativity into when I drew, as I like that sort of thing. My big challenge was attempting to design the place, and make it into something that could identify me. I had to try different ideas, not knowing if it would work. Some ideas didn’t, and I had to restart a few times, but when I had my final result, I thought it was quite good, and I got an A. Asking for ideas was something that I didn’t really want to do, but I found that it made the project far more creative and special when I used some peoples ideas. I also do this in many other projects in school, such as the favorite foods project in mentorship. I also use this outside of school, in team sports like hockey or soccer. 

All in all I thought it was a pretty successful project that I had fun with by being able to draw and be creative. My goals for neext time would probably be to add more details and expand on the project a bit more.